As one of trendiest brands in business, smart should have get an app sooner. But it’s here now and turns out the free smart iPad app is more than just an interactive catalog. It’s called the ideas in motion, and it’s a sort of user-generated eBook in which the owners can add their own contributions and continue writing the story together with smart.
Didn’t know driving a smart is so full of adventures that you can right stories about!
The world is driven forward by pioneers who think outside the box; opinion makers who don’t just talk but act, and idealists who defend their ideals against all resistance. smart is presenting some of these people. There are stories about visionary people and revolutionary events in 17 subject areas. The wide topics range from society and politics to philosophy, science, lifestyle and communication. Film, fashion, architecture, environment and mobility – iPad users can write their own contributions in all the areas that move people and the world and they can share their thoughts, opinions and convictions with others. In this way an eBook will be created that reflects the ideas that move people today.
“We want to use the new smart iPad app to create a platform where people can examine the world in a creative way, write down their views and share and discuss them with others. This will create a unique kaleidoscope which reflects the diversity of people and their ideas”, says Dr. Annette Winkler, head of smart.