Your vehicle requires maintenance from time to time. To service your vehicle, you can either take it to the nearest service garage or learn some maintenance tips and tricks to service the vehicle yourself. Of course, servicing certain parts require professional help. If you own a dodge truck, you will realize than there comes a time when you have to change the rear brakes on your truck. You can check this website for affordable parts. Though it may require patience and eye for detail, you will find that this is a worthwhile and cost-saving experience. The following are some tips on how to install rear brakes on a dodge truck.
Rear brakes comprise of multiple parts. They include brake pads, brake disc, bearing and axle rotor. In general, the brake pads are located within the caliper. A caliper is part of the disc brake that holds the brake pads. It should be mounted on a bracket and connected to the brake disc. The brake disc in return, is installed on the axle rotor. It helps to remember the following sequence of assembly when you install the brake; brake disc, bearing assembly, caliper bracket and caliper (with brake pads). Understanding the function and positions of these parts will enable you to complete the installation more efficiently.
To remove the existing brakes, you should firstly raise the rear end of your truck. The parking brake should be in place and you should remove the wheels. On a finished rotor, install a brake disc. Measure the thickness accordingly, using a micrometer if necessary. It should be thickness comparable to the edge of the disc. You can use a sandpaper to remove any glaze. The disc is then bolted to the hub. You can now insert fresh brake pads into the caliper. The pads should be positioned correctly, placed onto the retaining clips. You can also use a C-clamp if the piston of the caliper is not within its bore. Position the caliper on its mounting bracket. The, tighten the bolts. The brake has a master cylinder and you can now fill it with liquid after all new brakes are in place. Allow it to fill the system, and unscrew the caliper’s bleeder screw. The brake pedal is pressed until no more trapped air bubbles leave the system.
These tips on how to install rear brakes on a dodge truck are general guidelines. Consult your technician or read up more on this topic if you need more help and advice.