/How to choose the best motorcycle jacket for hot weather

How to choose the best motorcycle jacket for hot weather

moto jacket 730x487 at How to choose the best motorcycle jacket for hot weather

If you are interested in riding a motorcycle, you have to be familiar with the proper motorcycle riding gear. A helmet and a jacket are the most important parts, but getting the right pants, boots, and gloves will significantly reduce the chance to suffer a fatal injury. A motorcyclist is always exposed to life-threatening danger.

You cannot text or daydream like a lot of people do while driving a car. Riding a motorcycle is far more dangerous. We have to always stay alert, ride defensively and respect every safety measure. Without the proper gear, riding a motorcycle is simply dancing with death.

But if riding a motorcycle is so dangerous, why so many people do it? It is not a secret – riding is an extremely pleasurable activity. A lot of motorcyclists, even the beginners will tell you, that it is not just an activity. Riding a motorcycle is a lifestyle, and every detail, every safety precaution has to be taken very seriously. When you are on the road, you are also very visible, not just extremely vulnerable. Clothing is a huge part of our image. While searching for the right motorcycle apparel we have to prioritize safety, but looking good is also a big part of the experience.

Finding the best protective motorcycle jacket is not an easy task. If you are looking for a jacket, which will keep you comfortable when the weather gets hot, the search becomes even harder. Quality and durability are the most important features of a proper motorcycle jacket. Good gear can cost a significant amount of money, but when your life is on the line, there is no price too high.

Here are some tips and tricks which will help you find the best hot weather motorcycle jacket. When we are talking about protective apparel, protection from heat is also extremely important.

Why proper protection is so important?

Since we already established that riding a motorcycle is more than just an activity, we already know that a lot of motorcyclists want to look as unique and cool as they possibly can. This desire to create a stunning image leads to a classic, but a very dangerous rookie mistake – choosing your apparel based only on appearance.

Durability and protection are the most important features of an excellent motorcycle riding jacket. Every motorcyclist has to stay alert and visible on the road, but without protection, even the most skilled riders are risking their lives. Abiding road traffic laws is simply not enough. Defensive driving and proper protective apparel are the best ways to avoid a fatal injury.

Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling, but also a very dangerous, unpredictable experience. Even a skilled motorcyclist can get into an accident. Even if it is not your fault, someone‘s carelessness and your lack of protection can cut your life short. Try to look for a comfortable, light motorcycle jacket during the hot weather, but do not forget that proper protection is much more important.

The best material for a hot weather motorcycle jacket

If you are looking for the best material for your motorcycle jacket, there are a lot of great, cheap old-fashioned choices, but they will not offer the same amount of protection like properly engineered clothing lines do. Do not forget that the best choices are usually the most expensive, so if you cannot afford the best possible choice, avoid riding at high speeds to minimize the risk of a serious injury.


It is not a surprise that leather motorcycle jackets are very popular. Traditional leather offers decent abrasion resistance, which will help you mitigate or completely avoid damage to your skin. Leather jackets are not recommended in rainy conditions, but low-level humidity is acceptable.

Protection is our number one priority. Unfortunately, to get the right, safe amount of protection, leather jackets have to be thick. Because of this feature, no matter how good they look, leather is not a good material for a hot weather motorcycle jacket.


Dyneema denim is the perfect choice for a casual rider who likes to ride at higher speeds. If you are looking for a nice, light jacket with great protection, you will never find a better choice. Dyneema is the strongest fiber material. It is 15 times stronger than steel, so you will simply not find a better material for your hot weather motorcycle jacket. The only downside of this material is relatively higher prices, but the protection it offers while looking like a casual denim jacket is absolutely incredible.


Made out of exceptionally durable nylon fibers and cotton, Cordura motorcycle jackets have superb tear resistance, amazing durability, and a high melting point. Although it is not as protective as Dyneema denim, Cordura is injected with COOLMAX technology. Because of it, this fabric has amazing heat conductivity. While wearing a Cordura denim jacket, perspiration quickly travels to the outer layer of your clothing, keeping your body cool and healthy. Above-average protection and amazing heat conductivity make Cordura denim a perfect choice for a hot weather motorcycle jacket.

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.