/Super Bowl Car Ads – Very Interesting Data

Super Bowl Car Ads – Very Interesting Data

Motorward 2013 superbowl car commercials at Super Bowl Car Ads   Very Interesting Data

Super Bowl is usually the pinpoint when it comes to advertising (see how mike morse won his first Golden Gavel Award for a TV commercial). Car companies spend millions of dollars developing their Super Bowl ads and even more to be able to show them during the game. We’ve been collecting some data about these ads and found very interesting stuff we’d now like to share with you.


  • When it comes to online video, Audi fans are heavy YouTube users. They discuss YouTube content 70x more than content on Hulu, Vimeo and other online video sites. Compared to other audiences we’ve analyzed, this audience skews significantly toward YouTube.
  • Audi fans also like alternative rock (+31%), the music chosen to underscore the ad.

Audi 2013 Super Bowl 545x289 at Super Bowl Car Ads   Very Interesting Data


  • Among the last three spokespeople for Chrysler’s Super Bowl campaigns, Eminem is by far the most popular. Chrysler fans talk about Eminem 12% more than the average population, and when they do, they express a strong affinity for him.
  • Rap music is also the most popular music genre among Chrysler fans.
  • Motown and Berry Gordy are not even on the map.

Chrysler 300 Motown Edition 1 at Super Bowl Car Ads   Very Interesting Data


  • Jimmy Fallon was definitely the right choice among late night hosts. Lincoln fans discuss his show twice as much as Conan’s, 8x as much as Jimmy Kimmel’s and 17x as much as Craig Fergusen’s.
  • Twitter also was the top media channel overall among Lincoln fans, which supports their decision to take submissions through a Twitter hashtag #steerthescript.

SteerTheScript 545x304 at Super Bowl Car Ads   Very Interesting Data


  • Usher is 5x more popular among Mercedes fans than Kate Upton. Both are used in Mercedes ads this year.
  • Other popular music artists among Mercedes fans were M.I.A., Sanata, and David Guetta.

2013 Super Bowl CLA Ad 545x256 at Super Bowl Car Ads   Very Interesting Data


  • #wishgranted was not popular among Toyota followers, by our count only registering 163 mentions.
  • Toyota fans also under index by 5% for mentions of Big Bang Theory and Kelly Cuoco.
  • Television series that are popular among Toyota fans are Mad Men, Dancing With The Stars, and The Walking Dead.

Kaley Toyota Ad 545x297 at Super Bowl Car Ads   Very Interesting Data

How do we know this? TrueLens’ software analyzed statistically significant random samples of the followers of these major automobile brands. We ran thousands of algorithms on millions of public expressions from these individuals to distill their brand preferences, media habits, online influence and more. A lot of brands think they know their customers, but choose spokespeople and themes for their ads seemingly at random. Our aim with this data was to explore which brands created ads that will truly resonate with their customers and people like them.

Data Source: TrueLens, 2013

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.