It may take a bit more time and effort than you’re used to, but taking the trouble of learning how to wax a car pays off when you see how well protected it is from pollution and regular dust and grime. A car only needs to be waxed a few times a year, not after every time it’s washed.
Before you learn how to wax a car properly, you will need to start with a car that is absolutely, spotlessly clean. Waxing a dirty car is an exercise in futility and can scratch the finish, so don’t do it. With that sentiment in mind, try to stick to non-abrasive waxes to maintain that satiny smooth finish.
Ensure your freshly washed car, parked in a shaded area away from direct sunlight, is completely dry before you start. Apply polish first so to achieve a deeper sheen and remove minor spots or scratches. Working on the car in section, begin from the top and work your way down to the bottom. Apply the polish sparingly with a clean cotton towel or an accompanying applicator. Polish the car with gentle, circular motions. Allow 10 minutes for the polish on one section to dry before gently rubbing away any residue with a second clean towel.
Only when you have polished the entire car can you commence waxing. Apply approximately a tablespoon’s worth of wax onto a dampened sponge. Rub the sponge in a gentle clockwise motion over the car until it is completely covered with wax. By the time this is done, the wax on the section you started with should be completely dry and any excess residue can be removed with a clean towel. Buff the excess wax off the car with gentle counter-clockwise motions. You are effectively wiping away the extra wax. Make sure to change towels from time to time to prevent smearing extra wax on the finish.
You can buff the car once more time for extra shine. All the towels you use to wax your car can be washed and reused the next time you need to wax your car. Be sure to keep them clean and soft to prevent scratching your car the next time you use them to wax it. As stated earlier, waxing only needs to be done a few times a year. You’ll be able to tell when it’s time for another wax when the finish starts to look dull or when water no longer beads on the surface.
Nice post. Waxing and polishing your car regularly is recommended for the protection of your car’s paint and other stuff. I found this article which contains maintenance tips for cars. Turtle wax is also trusted when it comes to liquid car wax.
Love your post !!! Most people never think to maintain the finish…..But come time to trade that car Ya! should have thought of it a lot sooner!!!
Excellent post and i love the pictures. Like you say waxing only needs to be done once every 3/4 months and as well as making your car look great it will also add a surprising amount you receive from a dealership when it’s time to sell the car.