When you start looking for a car delivery company, you should confirm certain information about the company before making a decision to use them. Besides checking for licenses, insurance, references and the DOT reports, you should also check the equipment that will be used to transport your vehicle. The company can have the best reputation, but if the equipment that they use is a little on the worn side, you may want to choose a different company. The equipment that they use will have to get your vehicle from one point to another safely and you don’t want to take any chances.
The Container Shipping Method
Make sure that the container is sound and not old and rusty. When you ship in a container, you want your vehicle to be completely concealed. You do not want any critters or other pests getting inside while the vehicle in its transit. Check the interior of the container to make sure that it has all the equipment needed to secure the car in place. These containers are lifted with cranes, and if the car delivery company does not secure your car, it could bounce off the walls causing damage. Confirm that the closing bars and the lock area are not rusty and damaged and will hold up under the stress of transport.
Rack Truck Shipping Method
This is a popular way to ship within the country, but you still want to inspect the truck and the load securing chains or straps to make sure that your car will be secured in transit. The car delivery company should have a rack truck that has good tires, body and racks. If the racks where the cars ride are rusty and have some holes forming, you might not have a secure way to ship your vehicle. It is best to ensure that the truck that will transport the vehicle is safe and secure.
Flat Bed Truck Shipping Method
The flat truck method will ship a car on the flat bed of an eighteen wheeler in most cases. You want to make sure that the bed of the truck is safe with a secure way to ensure that your car does not go anywhere. If the company offers a canvas covering, this would be a plus. This protects the car from the elements. The car delivery company should have regular inspections on the truck and the tires should by in good condition. You do want to check that the truck is sound and will be able to make the trip.
If you need a car delivery company to transport your vehicle, be sure to choose the ideal shipping method that will be used to ship your vehicle. Besides the reputation of the company, the equipment should be able to move the vehicle safely without incident. After you inspect the equipment, you will be able to make a sound decision whether to use the car transporter or not. You do want your shipment to make the trip safely without any breakdown of the equipment being used and this is just as important as a company’s reputation.