Buying a car can be a stressful time if you do not know what to do; there are so many tricks that salesmen use that sometimes we find ourselves questioning if the sky is in fact blue… after the jump are 10 ways to ensure you get the best deal.
Buy A Car That Suits Your Present and Future Needs
Think carefully about the type of car you need. Consider present and future plans with thought about children and family holidays (especially camping), then don’t let a car salesman talk you into a car you don’t want. Having to buy a different one soon after is an expensive mistake.
Read Reviews
Manufacturers and salesman are bound to make their cars sound like the best thing on four wheels, so read some independent reviews.
Take a test drive
Always do this to make sure you like the car. Also, by spending some time in her you might notice some flaws and faults which you can use to bargain down the price.
Never pay the sticker price
The sticker price is the price you’ll find on the windscreen of most second hand cars. The salesman doesn’t expect you to pay it – so DON’T! Always check a car’s price against the suggested market value posted in some of the online classifieds, as for example from, and bargain accordingly.
Not everyone’s a good negotiator
If you know you’ve come out second best from a previous skirmish with a salesman, then take a friend or family member with you who’s good at it.
Leave yourself with plenty of time to buy
If you can walk away without needing to buy there and then, you’ve got a much better chance of securing exactly what you want.
Cold Hard Cash
A salesman will always try and sell you finance; he gets paid more for doing so, but cash is king. If the salesman says that’s rubbish, tell him you’ll take your cash elsewhere then and check out how quickly he backs down. Remember he wants a sale and he doesn’t care at what cost to you.
Don’t spill the beans
When the salesman tries to praise all your vehicular desires out of you – DO NOT ANSWER – all you’re doing is narrowing your odds of getting the better of him.
Lead the salesman astray
Ask about a few cars you don’t really want, and let the salesman suggest a few alternatives; one of which may be the car you do want.
Always pay for the car to be independently inspected. If your inspector finds a serious fault then it will save you the cost of major repairs, whilst finding small faults will give you bargaining power to lower the price.