/The Latest In-Car Technology Trends for 2014 and Beyond

The Latest In-Car Technology Trends for 2014 and Beyond

car tech 600x337 at The Latest In Car Technology Trends for 2014 and Beyond

We all love getting our hands on a shiny new gadget, and as motoring enthusiasts, it’s always exciting to see how new technological innovations impact on the features and capabilities of the latest cars. Car manufacturers are always adapting in-car technology to meet our demands, and there have been some exciting developments recently.

Accessing Information & Entertainment on the Road

We already use our smartphones in our cars for directions, internet access and communication, and it was only a matter of time before the software that runs the latest mobiles devices was incorporated into cars directly.

The race to dominate in-car app integration sees tech giants Google and Apple going head to head, as Android competes against iOS. Google seems to have the upper hand, having recently struck a deal with Nvidia, General Motors, Honda, Audi and Hyundai to form the Open Automotive Alliance, and they plan to launch mobile operated in-car entertainment systems by the end of the year.

Self-Driving Cars: The Ultimate Tech Accessory?

The Consumer Electronics Show 2014 in Las Vegas saw the debut of some exciting new automotive innovations. As well as advances in solar power and hydrogen fuel cells that benefit the environment, there have also been massive developments in driverless and on-board technology.

The most talked about aspect of CES 2014 were the driverless car demonstrations. Things have come a long way in the space of a year. Both Valeo and Audi showcased their automated parking capabilities controlled by smartphone apps.

But it was BMW who stole the show by taking their demonstration to the next level. They featured a modified M235i Coupe that does more than just self-drive, it also has the ability to drift around corners and narrowly weave between cones. Take a look at the amazing video footage below.


There are a multitude of reasons for recent advances in driverless car technology, which has the potential to make roads safer, ease traffic congestion, and reduce the environmental impact of driving.

It’s not just the car manufacturers that are preparing for driverless cars. In the US, California, Nevada and Florida have all passed legislation allowing driverless cars. In the UK, the government have already approved driverless car testing on roads. In December, the government also announced plans make the UK a world centre for the development of driverless cars.

Many new cars, like the ones presented at CES, will have self-driving features. By slowly introducing automated elements into the cars we drive, manufacturers will give the public the opportunity to experience the efficiency and effectiveness of driverless technology for themselves.

Nevertheless, it will be a while yet before driverless cars dominate the roads. The technology still has some way to go, and the public will need to be convinced that this is a better option than what they’re used to; many of us enjoy driving for pleasure – it’s not just a means of getting from A to B. But driverless cars are coming, whether you like it or not!

About the author: Ben Lannigan blogs for ContractHireaCar.com, and drives a BMW M3.

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.