Winter has finally now passed us and those Winter tyres can come back off and be replaced with a new set of summer tyres. Do many of you even know the difference between the two or even change them at all? I wanted to make this article for you all to hit up on the point of how important it is with a test that was carried out back in 2010.
Winter tyres offer more grip in the winter due to the wider gaps in the tyre itself, but what about the summer ones, what difference do they make in the heat? How do they work?
Summer tyres deliver excellent driving and braking performance on wet and dry roads. The tread pattern as seen here, you can see the difference between the snow tread and summer tread:
The summer tread pattern ensures that they grip well to the road remaining as rigid as possible at all times. So come rain, sunshine summer tyres are your perfect choice for the ultimate performance.
All Season Tyres
Obviously it is in the name, right? These kinds of tyres are suited to all weathers, in fact, this is what most people in the UK fit to their cars. Though they are “All season” tyres, there not the ultimate performer in the dry and wet months, they perform much better in icy conditions, this is because they have more sips in so the tread bites into the surface to give more grip in those freezing winter months. If you are in a place that snows a lot and has more winter months than places such a the UK then I suggest getting a proper pair of snow tread tyres.
The 2010 Audi Tyre Test
In 2010, Audi performed a tyre test during the summer months and compared it to the Winter months on a track. So here is a graph I created for a comparison:
Obviously the summer Tyres came out on top here in the dry and wet tests. The winter tyre averaged 10% behind its counterpart which was far closer than expected! Now, the snow test on the other hand had 50% less grip! The all season tyre was similar to the winter tyre, which offered a little more grip in the wet & dry and less in the snow. You can find summer tyres for all weather conditions by performing a quick search online.