Nearly one in three Americans have a side hustle to make ends meet. From earning money by working in a bar by night or topping up your savings by writing an e-book to publish online. There are numerous ways to make a little extra cash on the side of your daily grind. Do you enjoy sitting behind the wheel? Have you ever thought about how you could get paid to drive your car?
Here are some ways that you can make money with your car. Let’s check them out below now!
- Cover Your Vehicle in Ads
If you’re happy to drive around a billboard, you could consider covering your vehicle in ads for a price.
You’ll be shocked by how much some companies pay you to advertise on your vehicle.
If you’re regularly commuting to work in your car anyway, you may as well make the extra dough at the same time.
There are a number of factors that affect how much you can earn from ads on the side of your car.
These include the size of your vehicle and the number of miles you drive on average. You can explore more car graphics options yourself.
- Become a Driver
You can simply sign up to Uber, Sidecar or Lyft to become a driver for service. You can use your own vehicle to ferry people to wherever they want to be.
You’re also your own boss. Therefore, you choose when to work and when to stay at home. This gives you the flexibility to drive your car for extra money without making any commitments.
You may be driving in the same direction anyway. If you regularly make the same journey, you can advertise for vacant passenger seats online.
- Transport Items for a Fee
The demand for transporting goods doesn’t show any sign of slowing down at the moment.
If you have a large vehicle, such as an SUV or a truck, you could earn cash by transporting these goods from one location to another.
- Help People Move Home
If you have a big enough vehicle, you could also list yourself as available to help people move house.
You may need to be prepared to move your muscles as much as your engine. But, this is a great way of earning extra cash while driving.
You can set yourself up on dolly or GoShare to learn more about how you can become an independent removal guy.
- Home Delivery for Food
Grocery delivery is expected to explode over the next few years. You could take advantage of this growth market by offering your driving services.
You could also provide hot take out food delivery. Many people don’t want to leave the comfort of their own homes to pick up their pizza delivery.
Get Paid to Drive Your Car
If you enjoy being in your vehicle, get paid to drive your car. There are so many cool ways to make money and drive at the same time.
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