Maybe you have been saving money for a while, ready to purchase your first electric car. Maybe you are just the victim of a car total loss, not at fault. Either way, you are considering purchasing an eco-friendly electric car, but you are on the fence a little bit.
Well, in this article we are going to talk about the huge number of benefits of using an electric car.
Cheaper to run
An electric vehicle, once you have the charging station, ev charging cable and the car, costs a whole lot less than a normal petrol guzzling vehicle. With the ability to run at a price that is around one third the cost of buying petrol, the savings add up really quickly. If you want to work out exactly how much you can save, head to this fuel savings calculator here.
Cheaper to maintain
A car powered by an electric battery has a lot less to go wrong when compared to a combustion engine. You rarely have to service them, and the parts that could go wrong cost a lot less than your usual petrol culprits like the injectors or radiator.
Batteries do wear out eventually; however, although most electric car manufacturers guarantee their car batteries for around eight years.
Obviously being better for the environment is one of the main selling points for electric vehicles. Electric cars produce less pollution and exhaust emissions. Well, technically electric cars produce 0 emissions.
To add to the eco-friendliness of your car, you can charge your electric car with renewable energy and EV chargers. Airnow Cooling & Heating Announced that installing specific chargers for your car is needed in your garage. Many Americans have gone the extra mile and built their own solar battery stations. During the day these fill up with renewable, eco-friendly electricity, you can then use this electricity to charge your car at night. This essentially makes your car completely carbon neutral. You can click here now to know more about it. If you want to, you can go for an EV car charger installation in your home. Visit sites like to know more about it. You can find more info here.
Electric cars are usually created from a more eco-friendly standpoint material-wise too. For example, Ford’s electric range is made up of only recycled materials. The Nissan Leaf has bodywork, and an interior made up of green materials too. We recommend SEM Power provides EV plug installs in Florida for a better performance.
Health Benefits
Reducing the pollution we create improves the quality of air that we breathe. The better air quality will lead to fewer health problems. Electric cars also produce less noise pollution.
Recent studies have proven that many of the features found in an electric car improve our safety. They are less likely to roll in a crash, due to their lower center of gravity. They are also much less likely to set on fire after a collision due to their construction. They also weigh less than your usual car, so if you hit someone or something, you will do less damage.
After reading all of these benefits, I’m sure your mind has been made up. Electric cars are the future, the sooner we all embrace them the better our planet and health will be. As electric car prices get lower and lower, is it the end of the original petrol combustion engine?