/Most Prevalent Workers Compensation Claims Among Auto Employees

Most Prevalent Workers Compensation Claims Among Auto Employees

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Some kinds of jobs pose more risk of injuries and accidents compared to others. For instance, if you are working in a construction field, then your risk of getting into an accident is greater compared to an office worker in a corporate setup. This is because of the work environment that you are subjected to. Regardless of your type of work though, accidents may still happen. On the other hand, if you’re an employer, there are UK employment law consultants who can help you with issues on workers compensation. This article lists down some of the most prevalent workers’ compensation claims among auto employees, also when companies need to hire independent contractors they can also learn how to create 1099-nec for payments and others.

Transportation Accidents

One of the most common claims among auto employees is related to transportation accidents. Some of the auto employees who usually face this risk are truck drivers whose line of work involves driving for several hours for business purposes. When you sustain injuries due to vehicular accidents while you are traveling as part of your work, then make sure that you get in touch with a seasoned workers comp lawyer who will be able to help you. With their assistance, you will be able to maximize the claim that you can get to foster your healing and be back on the road in no time.

Machinery Accidents

Another common type of workers’ compensation claim arises from machinery accidents among auto employees. This is prevalent in automotive plants wherein the workers need to handle and operate large machines to manufacture various vehicle parts. Some of the injuries that auto employees sustain when working with large and heavy machinery include crushing or worse, even mutilation. Following these types of accidents are significantly huge medical costs that can be quite challenging to settle.

To ensure the safety of their employees, automotive companies are mandated by the law to train their workers in operating heavy equipment. In parallel to this, the law also requires the automotive companies to ensure that the equipment they install on their plants is well-maintained. These are some of the most important factors necessary to prevent injuries and ensure the safety of employees.

Material Handling

Almost one-third of the claims made by auto employees are related to material handling. This particularly happens in automotive manufacturing companies wherein the employees can be exposed to chemicals and other substances that can be harmful to their health. Some of these chemicals include asbestos and lead, as well as cadmium, mercury, silica, and other solvents or acids. The injuries that you can sustain when you are exposed to these chemicals range from burns and rashes to throat and lung injuries. There are even more serious injuries that can arise from material handling issues such as neurological damages.

For this reason, automotive manufacturing companies who put their employees at risk are required to ensure that their employees are wearing the proper personal protective equipment for their safety. More often than not, the safety attire includes goggles and gloves, as well as helmets and bodysuits. Their employees should also work in an environment with a good ventilation system.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Auto employees, particularly those working in manufacturing plants producing vehicle parts and accessories, are also subjected to the risk of slipping, tripping, or falling. This is one of the reasons why another claim that is common to auto employees is one arising from a slip or fall accident. This is particularly true if the premises of the manufacturing plant lack proper warning devices alerting the workers of any slippery surfaces.

Some of the injuries that you may encounter after a slip, trip, or fall accident include strains and sprains, which are quite common, as well as cuts or punctures. People who are involved in this kind of accident in their workplace can also suffer from contusions and inflammation, as well as various types of fractures. Sometimes, the people who encounter this accident will only experience trauma after a certain period because the effect of the accident on their bodies is not immediate.

Workplace Violence

There are also instances wherein workplace violence arises because of misunderstandings between the employees working in the company. Sometimes, even the employees not involved in the altercation can sustain injuries simply by trying to mediate between the two parties in a heated argument. When they are harmed because of workplace violence, they are eligible to file a claim and be compensated for the injuries they have sustained.

Taxi drivers are at a higher risk of experiencing workplace violence, particularly when they are transporting clients who are under the influence. For this reason, taxi drivers need to carry the proper insurance that will protect them from these instances. After all, statistics show that nearly millions of people, not only from the automotive industry, tend to experience workplace violence in one way or the other.

Fires or Explosions

Finally, fire hazards and the risk of explosion are also present in automotive plants, which is why, although the least common, it is still a cause of workers in the auto industry to claim compensation. Some of the injuries that you can sustain from exposure to fires or explosions include inhalation issues, as well as loss of hearing or sight, and lung damage. Wrongful death is also a claim that can be made as a result of exposure to fire and explosion. In a situation like this one, it may be better to hire a wrongful death lawyer.

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To ensure that you reduce the risk of any workplace accident, you need to be able to recognize the extent of the problem. This means that as much as possible, you identify the types of distraction in your workplace, regardless of whether it is visual, manual, or cognitive. You also need to ensure that you are prepared when accidents do happen, can with the help of employment solicitor solihull for this.

Some of the most common claims among auto employees include injuries related to transportation and machinery accidents, as well as slips, trips, and falls. Other injuries in the workplace arise due to violence or worse, fires and explosions. Fortunately, workers’ compensation is put in place to ensure that when these accidents arise, you as an employee will be eligible to hire a manhattan workers compensation lawyer to make a claim that can help you recover from the injuries you have sustained.

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.