/What you must do after a car accident

What you must do after a car accident

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When you get involved in a car Accident, you need to know some steps you need to follow to make sure everyone is safe. Some People take wrong actions in a hurry that make everyone’s life unsafe, which is a big problem. Remember that there are car accident attorneys that you can rely on during these unfortunate events.

This injury law firm have created this simple guide to tell you what steps you need to take after a car accident. So, let’s get started.

Steps you Need to Take After a Car Accident


When you get in Car Accident, Never drive away from the accident scene, even if it’s a minor accident. Because this statement can be used against you, it’s not a good idea to drive away from the accident scene. Experienced accident lawyers will be able to tell you the best course of action specific to your situation, so make sure you call one before making any statements.

Check Injuries

Check your injuries; if you have any injuries, then call 911 or according to your country or say someone else to call. But if you have serious injuries, try not to move and wait for emergency personnel. If you don’t have any injuries, then check other people’s injuries; if you find any, call 911.

Protect Accident Scene

Now, you need to protect accident scenes in order to prevent more accidents by Keeping Flashers on. Flashers signal to other drivers that something happened so you can prevent more accidents. In case your flasher stops working during an accident, then you can use a flashlight.

Call the Police

Even in a minor or major accident, calling the Police is important. Police make a report of the accident. Plus, in some countries, making an accident report is necessary.

If Police did not come to the scene, you need to go to the nearest police station and report yourself. You need to leave the vehicle there which is involved in the accident. Plus, you need an accident report to claim your insurance. So, it’s a good idea to call Police in case of an accident. Contact your car accident attorney to represent you.

Exchange Information

Generally, Police make a report of an accident that includes all information. And you get all the information from the Police. But in your case, if the Police are not reached. Then, you should need to get the name, address, and phone of all persons that are involved in the accident, including witnesses. You should also need to obtain:

  • Insurance company and policy number
  • Driver’s license and license plate number
  • Type, color, and model of vehicle
  • Location of the accident

It’s recommended to avoid discussing the fault with drivers. Because when you file an insurance claim. Then, the company reviewer you claim and determine who is at fault based on the inspection by the information provided by you, other parties, and police report.

Should You Use a Mobile Phone to Take Photos of a Car Crash?

Today, everyone has access to Mobile Phone. Plus, it’s a good idea to take photos of the accident scene with your mobile. Because most assurance companies encourage you to submit your claim via the app. Taking photos of the accident scene is a plus point for you. You can submit these photos with your insurance claim.

Start Claim Process

Now, it’s time to start the claim process. If your insurance company has an app, use that at the accident scene. With this, you will know what information you need for the claim process, and you get that information easily from the accident scene. Your job is to collect as many facts as you can. If your insurance company does not have an app, then you can use the website or go to their office.

Other Parties may try to get you to admit fault or handle things without insurance. But you need to avoid admitting your fault. Yes, it’s a good idea to obtain details of the other party. If you can’t settle the dispute, it’s best to contact an auto accident attorney straight away.

Bonus tip

If you are looking forward to sell your used vehicle online in Germany, We will suggest you to go for lkwfee… They provide free initial assessment, uncomplicated processing and also on-site pick-up for the sellers.  You just have to fill the free inquiry form and then everything will be managed by them.  Lkwfee deals in following commercial vehicle categories.
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These are some steps that everyone needs to follow in order to make sure everyone is safe like knowing the easy mistakes to make during an auto accident scene. First, we need to take steps related to life. Once you make sure that everyone is safe, you need to file a claim, ideally with a personal injury attorney. Plus, it’s a very good idea to take photos of the accident scene and call Police. We hope our guide will help you.

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.