Ayrton Senna Crash at Motorsport Tragedies

Motorsport Tragedies

Those of you who saw the recent Rush movie might remember what James Hunt (played by Chris Hemsworth) says at one point: “The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel. It's a…

Ducati Museum Google Maps 1 at Ducati Museum Now on Google Maps

Ducati Museum Now on Google Maps

Next time you load the Google Maps and go to Italy to check out some of the historic monuments, forget the Colosseum or the leaning tower of Pisa. You go straight to Bologna, to Via…

10 car commercial failures at Top 10 commercial failures in car history

Top 10 commercial failures in car history

While there were probably times when people were building cars just for the pleasure of it or because the challenge to achieve something new was incredible, just like any other modern business, the car industry…

lamborghini bull at The bulls that inspired Lamborghini model names

The bulls that inspired Lamborghini model names

There are carmakers out there that claim to build the cheapest cars. Others brag about impeccable quality. Some come up with the best engines, while many claim their models achieve the best fuel economy. However,…

barbie fiat 500 london at What’s Barbie Driving? Barbies Cars History

What’s Barbie Driving? Barbie’s Cars History

From dentist to superstar to Olympic gold medalist, there’s no doubt Barbie is one busy woman. With blonde locks coiffed to perfection, a wardrobe that would make even Paris Hilton blush, a killer career and…

mclaren 50 years logo at McLaren   50 years of history

McLaren – 50 years of history

Most people associate McLaren with Formula One and it’s not a surprise, since this is where the British company became a legend and where it is known as one of the most important teams in…