/Cool: Army Green Lamborghini Aventador

Cool: Army Green Lamborghini Aventador

Army Green Lamborghini Aventador 1 at Cool: Army Green Lamborghini Aventador

Lamborghini Aventador is not the kind of car you want to use as a military vehicle, not because of its half a million dollar price tag – most military vehicles cost more than that – but because it’s not very practical. But you have to say, it does make a very cool assault vehicle for special forces, especially in this army green paint job. Just put a .50 Cal on the roof, and you’re there!

If Batman was a Navy SEAL, this would be the perfect car for him.

This car was apparently ordered by some Swiss guy, who unlike most Lamborghini drivers does have a great taste. Or maybe it’s just because he lives in a more civilized part of the world. You see, in China, Middle East, and even America, there are people who still think chrome paint jobs are cool.

Performance-wise, the Aventador has a 700hp V12 engine capable of taking the car from 0 to 100 km/h in something like 2.9 seconds. Flat-out you’ll be doing 350 km/h.

Army Green Lamborghini Aventador 2 at Cool: Army Green Lamborghini Aventador
Army Green Lamborghini Aventador 3 at Cool: Army Green Lamborghini Aventador
Army Green Lamborghini Aventador 4 at Cool: Army Green Lamborghini Aventador

via GTspirit

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.