As you may recall from our reports before, Jay-Z and Kanye West decided to auction off the Maybach they chopped up for the Otis Music Video. The car had grabbed a lot of attention and was expected to bring in some serious cash to support auction to benefit The Children Foundations and their East Africa efforts. The Otis Maybach sold for only $60,000.
Now, regardless of the fact that it is still a Maybach, the celebrity endorsement and that it was the star of a music video sounded like enough reasons for collectors to spend a bit of cash on this mangled Maybach. But as always, Maybbach has a problem with sales. That is pretty much why Daimler decided to kill off the brand, again.
We think the chopped Maybach looks a helluva lot cooler than the standard car, and that at 60 grand it’s the bargain of the century!