Taking a break from tuning modern BMWs, G-Power went back to the good old, straight-six M3 E46 series and gave it a new breath of life. The standard E46 M3, which was produced from 2000 to 2007, features a 3.2 liter I-6 engine with 340 hp. What G-Power does is fit that engine with a compressor, which boosts the power to 450 hp, more than the current E92 M3.
Not sure how much the E46 is running for these days, but we have a sneaking suspicion G-Power’s compressor kit is worth more than the actual car! It costs € 8330 plus installation. But then the gain is quite remarkable. As mentioned you get 450 hp, plus 460 Nm of torque, and a top speed of 300 km/h.
If you are willing to spend even more on your E46, G-Power can also hook you up with a set of 20-inch wheels with 245 tires up front and 285s at the back, coilover suspension with adjustable dampers, high-performance brakes, and a stainless steel exhaust system. Together these stuff will set you back another € 12,000.