The Guinness Book of World Records has officially recognized this – called ‘Mirai’ – as the lowest roadworthy car in the world. Measuring 45.2 cm (17.79 in) from the ground to highest part, the Mirai is certainly roadworthy – well, sort of – but also quite tragic-looking. It was created by students and teachers of The Automobile Engineering Course of Okayama Sanyo High School in Asakuchi, Japan, on 15 November 2010.
It’s not really a car though, is it? You can’t do car stuff in it. It does get you from A to B, but it will scare the bejesus out of you in the process.
“It can be frightening to drive MIRAI on a big street, especially when the speed goes over 40km/h because the road is very close to the driver’s eye point,” said Harada Kazunari, Principal at Okayama Sanyo High School. “Also, you can feel afraid that you will be run over by other cars. So, we make it a rule, when we drive MIRAI on a busy street, to place a leading car to the front of MIRAI, and a guarding car in the rear.”
via Autoguide