/2013 Gumball 3000 – The Arrival @ Monaco

2013 Gumball 3000 – The Arrival @ Monaco

gumball 3000 rv 600x450 at 2013 Gumball 3000   The Arrival @ Monaco

2013 Gumball 3000 just ended a couple of days ago, the craziest race in the world (except for maybe Hanna-Barbera’s “Wacky Races”) arrived at Monte Carlo last weekend, and one of my fellow friends got the chance to be there and take some pics. It appears that the $1.6 million Team Galag Tumbler managed to arrive (even without wipers) and that a few other Superheroes also managed to get to the finish line.

Thank you very much to Rui Vasques for the pictures, we hope you enjoyed your trip (even though I personally wanted to beat you a few times). Cheers mate!

gumball 3000 superheroes rv 600x450 at 2013 Gumball 3000   The Arrival @ Monaco

Batman Galag Front 600x400 at 2013 Gumball 3000   The Arrival @ Monaco

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.