In the midst of all the misfortunes, finally some good news for Saab. Their 9-5 Sedan 2.8V6 Turbo has been named Car of the Year in Singapore.
I know it’s not much, but when you are inches from death knowing that some people somewhere in the world are still interested in you is certainly flattering.
The annual “Car Buyer’s Guide 2011/2012? ranks all models on sale in Singapore, and the Saab 9-5 was favorably compared with the Audi A6 and BMW 535i in the Executive Sedan class. This shows the people of Singapore have exquisite taste when it comes to choosing an executive saloon, and don’t go for the obvious Merc or Bimmers.
It’s just a pity, the9-5 might soon become history along with the rest of Saab. Or they could be saved, who knows.
We are very happy, says Jonas Hernqvist, Regional Manager for the Asian markets. The markets in Asia are demanding and Singapore especially so, since it so restrictive when it comes to car imports. Therefore it is particularly gratifying and encouraging that the Saab 9-5 is honored in this way.