It’s hard to believe that those sensible people at Volvo greenlighted such an exciting, and dangerous, stunt just to show the precise handling of the new Volvo FH. The stunt we’re talking about involves two FH trucks, a rope between them, and a girl. I guess you can already see where this is going. Yep, the girl has to walk the rope from one truck to the other before they reach the tunnel.
The stuntgirl here is the world record-holding highliner Faith Dickey, so although the film has a Hollywood ending, it’s not fake. But even if it is, it’s still a pretty impressive effort and well worth watching:
The location for the stunt is an unopened highway in Croatia, and it’s made in cooperation with Hollywood stunt director Peter Pedrero (James Bond, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean.) Directed by Academy Award nominee Henry Alex Rubin.