This unsightly piece of crushed metal you see above used to be a shiny Alpine White BMW M4. That was before its South African owner crashed it, nay, demolished it! The photos tell the tale of a horrifically severe crash, but fortunately the driver has escaped largely unscathed.
So kudos to BMW for being such brilliant engineers. They took into account that someday, somewhere in this world an imbecile might get behind the wheel and go way too fast on public roads and inevitably crash his M4. So they fitted the car with enough clever safety gear to save the imbecile’s life.
In fairness though, not all the damages to this BMW M4 was done by the crash itself. The emergence services reportedly had to cut the roof of the car to get to the driver and extract him out of the car. The man only suffered a few cuts and bruises, but nothing serious. He is officially one of the luckiest people on the planet.
Yes, speed kills. But only if you use it wrong!
Via Bimmerpost