Kia GT4 Stinger Cabrio Render at Rendering: Kia GT4 Stinger Cabrio

Rendering: Kia GT4 Stinger Cabrio

Every car enthusiast in the world is eagerly waiting for Kia to confirm a production version of their 2014 Detroit Motor Show concept, the GT4 Stinger sports car. But the guys at X-Tomi Design went…

Jaguar British Villains SB Spot Talent Announcement lo res at Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong, and Tom Hiddleston in Jaguar Super Bowl Ads

Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong, and Tom Hiddleston in…

Jaguar keeps spending big mony on their promotional campaigns, and they insist on hiring A-listers to star in their rather pointless short films. For this year’s Super Bowl ad campaign called “good to be bad”…

bmw i8 crash at BMW i8 Prototype Wrecked in Autobahn Crash

BMW i8 Prototype Wrecked in Autobahn Crash

One of the best features of the new BMW i8 is its weird and futuristic looks. For some strange reason we always wondered what would a car like this look like in a crash. And…