/Rinspeed BamBoo Pop Art by James Rizzi

Rinspeed BamBoo Pop Art by James Rizzi

bamboo pop art 1 at Rinspeed BamBoo Pop Art by James Rizzi

If you thought the Rinspeed BamBoo, a concept car the Swiss car maker is working on for 2011 Geneva Motor Show, could not possibly get any gayer you were wrong! It can thanks to pop artist James Rizzi, who is apparently going to draw a beach scene on the car set to go on display at Geneva.

This decorative painting will feature the artist’s unique style and even comes with the Rizzi bird attached to the “BamBoo’s” roll bar that can change color to communicate the occupants’ mood to the outside world. According to Rinspeed they are actually thinking of producing Bamboo with either an electric or conventionally-powered vehicle.

Press Release:

Contemporary Pop-Art Meets Lifestyle Concept Car “BamBoo”

For the 33rd anniversary of Swiss concept car creator Rinspeed at the Geneva Motor Show founder Frank M. Rinderknecht – as usual – came up with something highly unusual:  A special dose of creativity from world metropolis New York City gives both the stand and Rinspeed’s latest concept car creation “BamBoo” a special touch, courtesy of indefatigable contemporary pop artist James Rizzi. The inflatable roof of the “BamBoo” is decorated with a hand painted Rizzi beach scene.  His unique icon – the Rizzi bird – is also a must: It is attached to the “BamBoo’s” roll bar and can change color to communicate the occupants’ mood to the outside world – green could stand for “I feel like meeting new people. Where is the next party?”

The “BamBoo” is the only true lifestyle vehicle with electric drive. It doesn’t only offer pure pleasure for the eyes, but let’s its occupants breathe the intoxicating lavender aromas of the south, the salty breezes of the beach and the sweet resinous fragrances of the pine forests in almost noiseless travel. “BamBoo” represents sheer joy of life, without remorse. Rinderknecht: We were inspired by nature and have designed it for connoisseurs who aim to set themselves apart more with less – being different, living differently, enjoying differently. Naturally different.
If its creators get their wish the “BamBoo” will not remain a one-off but will enter into series production either as an electric or conventionally powered version. It will find its way to car rental locations and into the hands of vacation home occupants around the globe, wherever the sun shines brightly: from the Mediterranean to the Middle East, to Thailand, the Caribbean and to Florida. Purely Saint Tropez.

bamboo pop art 2 at Rinspeed BamBoo Pop Art by James Rizzi

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.