The old Mercedes SL63 might look a bit dated now that the new-look car is around, but it is still prettier than the new one. And this particular one here is especially fine as it’s finished in a cool metallic silver color, and fitted with a set of ADV10TS SL wheels size 20×9 front 20×11 rear, wrapped in Pirelli 255/30/20 and 305/25/20 tires respectively, and with polished finish.
The 2011 SL63 is powered by the good old 6.3 AMG and it’s an absolute monster. Well, at least it sound like one. With 525 horsepower, this heavy roadster can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in slightly over 4 seconds. It’s not a sports car, but with a good chassis and a whole range of electronic systems it’s blessed with, it can get out of its own way pretty good. It’s an all-in-one car, and it’s now also affordable. You have to settle for a used one, but hey, it’s a Mercedes.