Nobuhiro Tajima, better known as the Monster, is a nine-time Pikes Peak hill climb champion. He has recently developed an affinity for electric cars. So much so that he decided to take part in this year’s event with unique EV race car he made. Sadly he ran into problems and had to retire before the race. Still, Tesla realized it’s a perfect opportunity to introduce Mr. Monster to their new Tesla S model.
So they brought him down to the factory for a little chat, a tour of the car, and a test drive through the hills of Fremont, CA:
Monster Tajima is not the kind of guy who pretends he likes a car for commercial reasons. When he says he’s impressed with something, he must be dead impressed with it. Just a look at the way he’s grinning behind the wheel says it all.
Tesla Model S is the company’s ticket to an new era in which they are no longer a small Silicon Valley start up. Tesla has established itself as a full-on car maker – electric car maker to be precise. Model S is a gorgeous electric sedan with great build quality, enormous comfort, and – if you opt for the big electric motor – fast as well. It also offers the best range among all the current electric vehicles.