Last year Horacio Pagani himself brought a Huayra to Jay Leno’s Garage for a demonstration. Back then the car was still illegal in the U.S., so Jay couldn’t drive it, but he got to ride shotgun with Horacio which was pretty cool. Now though the Huayra is legal in America and Jay gets to drive it himself. As you can tell by the expression on his face in the picture above, he’s totally astonished by it, even before he leaves the garage.
Horacio took his sweet time over developing the Huayra, but what an amazing bit of kit he made. It’s not a car really, but a work of art to the very details. The coolest thing about this car is that it doesn’t compromise on technicalities for the sake aesthetics. The Huayra is just as awesome technically as it is to look at. Best car in the world, hands down!