/Capabilities of Land Rover Vehicles Showcased Through Parkour

Capabilities of Land Rover Vehicles Showcased Through Parkour

land rover roamfree hero 600x337 at Capabilities of Land Rover Vehicles Showcased Through Parkour

Parkour is the ultimate showcase of freedom in movement. You need special skills to pull it off, but when you acquire them you can flow from place to place like wind. There will be no stopping you. That is the theme of Land Rover’s latest promotional video called “Roam Free”. It shows four parkour athletes ripping through the forest, scampering and jumping over obstacles like nobody’s business.

That is what Land Rover wants you to think their vehicles are capable of dealing with rough ground. That is true, you know. It is not just some creative ad man’s trick to fool the consumer. LR products are the best luxury off-roaders out there.

“Today, more than ever, consumers build their opinions of brands based on how they present themselves in digital, social and mobile, said Ken Bracht, Communications Manager, Land Rover North America. “We’re excited to see how owners and enthusiasts will react to our version of parkour, which was filmed outside of the traditional urban environment and in a natural setting; providing the perfect backdrop to showcase our vehicle’s capabilities.”


(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.