/Pink Chrome Mercedes G-Class by Impressive Wrap

Pink Chrome Mercedes G-Class by Impressive Wrap

Pink Chrome Mercedes G Class 0 600x410 at Pink Chrome Mercedes G Class by Impressive Wrap

Mercedes G-Class, or the Gelandewagen to you enthusiasts out there, is the least gay car you can find in the market today. Or rather it used to be, before Impressive Wrap did this to it. They have wrapped the G-Wagen in pink chrome, and, well, pretty much ruined it forever.

IW did not explain what in God’s name possessed them to do such a thing. Well, we do realize it was probably ordered by a customer and that’s the reason they did it. But we wish they had said no. From now on they will be known as the guys who wrapped a G-Class in pink – and an extremely shiny shade of that no less.

As atrocious as this pink Mercedes G-Class looks with the wrap, somebody evidently decided that wan’t enough and had the grille painted in gloss black and the wheels in matte black. Maybe they thought these black bits would soften the blow of the pink. But all they do is make the car look weirder. It is now both gay and weird – helluva combination!

America is imploding…

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.