fleet of autonomous trucks 550x360 at The Economic Benefits of Autonomous Trucking

The Economic Benefits of Autonomous Trucking

By Sidhart Krishnamurthi, Product Management @ Recogni Autonomous vehicles (AV) are poised to optimize various different industries. With humans no longer acting as drivers, companies that rely on transportation are able to cut costs and…

Patent 37435 550x360 at Patent No. 37435   the first automobile (or was it?)

Patent No. 37435 – the first automobile (or…

[caption id="attachment_186720" align="aligncenter" width="613"] Benz-Patenturkunde, DRP 37435 von 1886[/caption] Carl Friedrich Benz (1844 - 1929) is a legendary name among people who live for rev counters, all things torque, and standing around at car meets…

route 66 550x360 at What is on a Motorcyclist’s Bucket List

What is on a Motorcyclist’s Bucket List

Typically, motorcyclists are adventurous types so it is no surprise that so many have bucket lists related to riding. There are many excellent experiences and activities that a motorcyclist should look to tick off their…