/Fake Mercedes 300 SL Replica Destroyed

Fake Mercedes 300 SL Replica Destroyed

Fake Mercedes 300 SL 1 at Fake Mercedes 300 SL Replica Destroyed

By destroying a fake Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing, seized by German customs officials, Mercedes Classic Center wants the world to take notice they won’t tolerate copy cats. The  legendary gullwing model has been trademarked by Daimler AG. It goes beyond the use of logos and trademarks. If you make a car that even looks remotely like the 300 SL, they’ll come after you.

This poor replica was made by a German company based on the W 198 series. It had a fibreglass body weighing precisely 148 kilograms. Seeing as Daimler’s beef is only about the unlawful body, they first separated it from the chassis, and then put it in a  compressor that smashed it into small pieces using over 30 tonnes of pressure.

The excessive force was used to show Daimler’s firm line against violation of their rights.

Original Mercedes 300 SL models are these days among the most coveted and most expensive classic cars. It was launched on the market in 1954 as a coupe with distinctive gullwing doors. In 1999, an international panel of judges voted it ‘sports car of the century’. The body of the 300 SL has been under copyright protection for a number of decades.

Fake Mercedes 300 SL 2 at Fake Mercedes 300 SL Replica Destroyed
Fake Mercedes 300 SL 3 at Fake Mercedes 300 SL Replica Destroyed
Fake Mercedes 300 SL 4 at Fake Mercedes 300 SL Replica Destroyed

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.