While every single car maker is laying off staffs and shutting down factories, the news coming from United Kingdom is promising, at least for Ford it is! Britons have gone mad about the new Ford Fiesta and it’s selling like hot cake there, 150 units per day!
New Fiesta is a car of high values, no doubt about that. Starting at £8,514.26 it is very feature rich even in the basic model, and while a mid range model can cost up to £13,000 it is still better value than most of opponents, it is the perfect hatchback for modern Britain! However some say that recent Top Gear review of this car can be considered as a reason why people like this car so much. Jeremy Clarkson did a hilarious job with it, he raced a Corvette in a mall and drove off to the sea in a beach assault with Royal Marines! Now these are qualities a family usually expects form an average hatch back! The effect of Top Gear on car sales at least in Britain is undeniable, because people listen to their verdict of cars and believe them. So here you are, From now on you should judge a car’s market by Top Gear verdict about it!