/Mercedes-Benz Silver Arrows Stunt Team – Video

Mercedes-Benz Silver Arrows Stunt Team – Video

mb silver ar at Mercedes Benz Silver Arrows Stunt Team   Video

Silver Arrows are Mercedes Benz UK’s stunt team, a bunch of precision drivers in Stig-like outfit. Here’s a quick demo of their skills on the track, equipped with high-end AMG weapons. This video kinda sums up what AMG cars all about: having fun! They are deliberately made shouty and tail-happy, so they flatter your ego every time you pull off a nice powerslide. These guys demonstrate this fact perfectly. Check out the video after the jump.

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.