Not sure what exactly possessed these dudes to do this, but they decided to perform a two-minute burnout with a standard 2012 Ford Focus. Well, standard apart from a set of 40 bucks front tires they found on Craigslist. Some of those tires was transformed to the road, but most of them was tuned into smoke. It’s a pretty cool sight.
So, here’s proof that you don’t need mega power to do foolish stuff. You can be just as nuts in an Ecoboost-powered Focus, if you have the right mindset!
We don’t suggest you try this at home, but if you want to anyway, make sure your traction control is off. If your car is automatic, then it’s really easy. Just put your left foot on the brake, put it in D, and rev the nuts off the engine. If it’s a manual, build up the revs, dump the clutch, and hit the brakes quickly.
Again, don’t try this at home!