The stock exhausts on the Porsche 991 are almost perfect. They do sound sporty, but not in a deafening way. And they won’t ruin everyone’s day when you are driving through a village or a crowded street. When you want to play though, they are more than capable to keep you amused. Still, not all people agree with that. The guys at iPE certainly don’t agree, because they just made a new system for the car which sounds, well, you better check for yourself after the jump…
The system on this car includes iPE-Headers, X Pipe, Valvetronic Muffler, Tips, ECU with 2 remote controls, 3 valve mode: auto, opened, closed, CAD designed & CNC Machined, and as you can hear it sounds explosive. You will love going all the way to the red line in this. Your neighbors probably won’t!