Recently Jaguar announced launch of new all-wheel-drive versions of the XF and XJ saloons in selected markets. The AWD comes exclusively with the new 3.0-litre V6 supercharged 340PS petrol engine and offers extra grip and traction. Jaguar mentions North America, Russia, China and continental Europe as the main markets for AWD models, but weirdly they are not going to offer is in the UK.
UK would be the most obvious market for four-wheel-drive cars, since it always rains there, and it’s in the rain that a good AWD comes to its own. But Jaguar doesn’t think so. Or maybe they just want to test the system somewhere else, and then bring it to the UK!
Adrian Hallmark, Global Brand Director, Jaguar, said: “Jaguar has revitalised its core range and is now undertaking an intensive programme of introducing new models, strategic powertrain and technologies to reinvigorate the Jaguar brand around the world.
“The new AWD products are another example of how we are taking the Jaguar business forward by thinking globally and targeting specific market opportunities by addressing specific regional requirements.”