/Ferrari Patents More Accurate Steering System

Ferrari Patents More Accurate Steering System

Ferrari Accurate Steering System 1 600x411 at Ferrari Patents More Accurate Steering System

Not that the current steering systems are vague and wayward, but they are definitely not what you call precise. This has always been an issue with high-performance cars, which is why Ferrari decided to take matter into their own hand and develop a new and more accurate steering system that is precise and delivers better feel.

Ferrari’s new steering is an electro-mechanical system which essentially gets rid of the initial slack caused by the linkage, so the driver’s input is transferred to the wheels immediately, and the feedback from the road to the steering.

With Ferrari’s accurate steering system you will need a lot less corrective input as the whole thing is more consistent than the current systems and the road feel is crystal clear. So you will be able to place the car precisely where you want with less effort.

The way this new system eliminates the aforementioned transmission error is through electronics. Software calculates the angle and torque applied to the steering wheel, data which is then sent to an electrical servomechanism to apply proportional force to the steering system itself. Since the mechanical bits and bobs are unchanged and the software is simple and efficient, Ferrari reckons their system will be inexpensive to build as well.

Via Evo

Ferrari Accurate Steering System 2 600x338 at Ferrari Patents More Accurate Steering System


(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.