/Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body Rendered in Liberty Walk Style

Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body Rendered in Liberty Walk Style

Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body 1 600x333 at Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body Rendered in Liberty Walk Style

If you are an auto rendering artist, be advised there is a new player in town, and he is a force to be reckoned with. His name is Rob Evans, and judging by his work here, he has a wild imagination and mad Photoshop skills! This is a Lamborghini Huracan wide body concept imagined by Evans.

The kit on this Lamborghini Huracan wide body is not ordinary.  It is a Liberty Walk-style wide body kit featuring massive fender flares shamelessly attached to the body with rivets. It is a unique style, and definitely one of the coolest. Not entirely sure if it works on the Huracan, though.

The thing about Liberty Walk kits is that they are not designed to be pretty. On the contrary, they are designed to be mean and aggressive. The Japanese tuner is currently developing an insane package for the Aventador, which should give us some ideas about a widened Huracan.

Rob Evans’ Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body is garnished with stealth paint job and black wheels. These features make it look less conspicuous, which is kind of ironic, because the whole purpose of a kit like that is to grab more attention.

Renderings by RobEvansDesign via GTspirit

Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body 2 600x395 at Lamborghini Huracan Wide Body Rendered in Liberty Walk Style

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.