/The Girls of ADV1 Wheels at Huston Auto Show

The Girls of ADV1 Wheels at Huston Auto Show

adv1 wheels evs 0 600x373 at The Girls of ADV1 Wheels at Huston Auto Show

We often feature the brilliant works of ADV1 Wheels here on MW. They have a special taste in terms of design and paint finish, and they work only on the very best cars out there. Now turns out they have great taste in another area as well: booth babes!

These are the fine ladies of ADV1 Wheels and EVS Motors, spicing up the tuner’s booth at the Houston Auto Show 2015. The fact that some of these ladies seem to be pretty loaded notwithstanding, they add a certain charm to all those exotic metal, garnished with colorful ADV1 Wheels. Without booth babes, car shows will look kinda geeky and boring.

No more words necessary really, just enjoy the gallery:

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.