/Wrap of the Day: Black Velvet Bentley GTC

Wrap of the Day: Black Velvet Bentley GTC

Black Velvet Bentley GTC 0 600x426 at Wrap of the Day: Black Velvet Bentley GTC

Wrapping business is a-boomin’ these days and we get word of so many decent jobs every day that we can’t really feature them all. So we pick the best of the lot, and this is what we’ve chosen for today, a Black Velvet Bentley GTC by the professional wrappers of Impressive Wrap.

The popularity of velvet wraps is growing worldwide, even though they are still considered by many as the ghastliest thing you can do to your car. There are many places where velvet is welcome, but a car’s exterior is not one of them. Still, wrapping a car as classy as the Bentley Continental GT Convertible in this lovely materials results in a unique look that is definitely worth tolerating a few insults and rude hand gestures.

On the surface the Black Velvet Bentley GTC looks as if it’s an image out of a video game or something. It looks as if it has no flesh, like it’s just a 2D surface with no Z dimension. And that’s the cool thing about velvet wraps. They confuse people. Up close though, you can touch the material and feel its unique texture and make sure it is not a black hole with some headlights.

There is no doubt that maintaining a velvet wrap is going to be a bitch of a job. But as long as you keep it out of the rain, and sun for that matter, and drive the car only when there are plenty of shadows out there and not many bugs, you should be all right.

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.