If you are looking for the ultimate luxury SUV, something that will blow any Range Rover and Porsche Cayenne out of the water, the boys at Aspire Autosports have just come up with something that might fit the bill. We are talking about a custom 2016 Cadillac Escalade V they have just finished upgrading.
Granted, Aspire’s Cadillac Escalade V may not have as much bells and whistles and technology features as a Range Rover, but luxury is not just about toys or capabilities. A lot of it is just sheer size and presence. And in that aspect, the Caddy is a head and shoulders, literally, above the British snob. What’s more, the Escalade enjoys a level of street cred – thanks to its starring role as the car of choice for gangsters and cool guys in movies and rap videos – that no other car in the world can match.
You also get a lot of ‘kit’ with Aspire Autosports 2016 Cadillac Escalade V. Based on a Platinum model, the car comes with a full entertainment package consisting of two head rest monitors plus a roof-mounted screen as well as a top-notch audio and infotainment system. It also has a K40 radar installation which is handy, considering it features a modified V8 engine featuring a large SLP Supercharger that boosts the output to 575 horsepower. It’s man-sized power for a man-sized car!