/Trump’s Old Cadillac Shows Up for Sale in UK

Trump’s Old Cadillac Shows Up for Sale in UK

Cadillac Trump 0 600x404 at Trump’s Old Cadillac Shows Up for Sale in UK

Becoming the President of the United States has unearthed a lot of things about Donald Trump’s past, most of them unsavory and vulgar. And so it is with this ‘Cadillac Trump’, a 1988 Cadillac limousine commissioned by the real Teflon Don. This perfectly pimp-mobile-looking limo ended up in the United Kingdom where it is now offered for sale for £50,000.

The Cadillac Trump was supposed to be a limited edition built by GM in a partnership with Donald Trump in which they would build the thing and Trump would put his name on it, as he has done with many a building. The limited run was going to be 50 units, but the outcome of project was only two Cadillac Trumps. So Trump started with a grand scheme which failed and ended up something much, much smaller than he was anticipating. Come to think of it, this whole episode is the perfect metaphor for his presidency. If the Cadillac Trump is any indication, that wall is going to be like like 3 feet tall and about a mile long.

At any rate, if you interested in Trump’s old and likely smelly (it’s had five previous owners which, one would imagine, used the car mostly for hen nights) Cadillac which has 45,000 miles on it, go to Sevenvale cars in Gloucester with 50 grand.


Sean Tanner the Commercial Director for Sevenvale Cars, based in Gloucester offering the vehicle for sale said: “This is a unique vehicle that offers a rare opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts to buy a car that will always attract interest.  We know the current owner well, he bought the Cadillac ten years ago and it’s been his pride and joy and it has even starred in a couple of films, so we hope this will fetch a good price.”

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.