/How to Boost the Power of Your Vehicle with a Tuning Chip

How to Boost the Power of Your Vehicle with a Tuning Chip

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The performance of your vehicle depends on the torque, engine power, throttle control, tire pressure, spark timing and many other factors. A large majority of people depend on routine vehicle maintenance to maximise its performance however, there’s more to it.

For example, heavily laden vehicles are regularly exposed to different temperatures, geographical conditions and are used for different purposes which can affect their performance in one way or the other. Therefore, your vehicle requires a system that can boost its performance without interfering with the basic mechanics.

What is a Tuning Chip?

A chip is a small and removable electronic microprocessor-controlled device, which is programmed to boost engine efficiency by minimising RPM/mpg, maximising mileage, minimising fuel combustion and controlling throttle efficiently.

A diesel tuning chip is not used to replace the original chip in the engine. Instead, it is a sophisticated microprocessor chip which can maximise the performance of your vehicle and increase fuel combustion gains without changing its mechanics.

A regular chip can be opened and its programming can be changed or deleted, but a high-tech and sophisticated chip is designed in a way that offers 100% security against interference, i.e. its programming can neither be changed nor deleted.

Tuning chips are easy-to-install tools that require a maximum of 10-minutes to be installed without tweaking the original settings of your vehicle.

How do Tuning Chips Boost the Power of Your Vehicle?

Tuning chips are installed between the sensors and engine controls. They have have gained popularity in recent years as they can convert your vehicle into a fuel-efficient and eco-friendly machine. Diesel tuning chips also offer the following benefits:

Optimised Torque – Torque is the rotational power of your vehicle. The speed and efficiency of your vehicle depends on the engine’s horsepower and torque. As your vehicle gets older with time, the engine’s horsepower and torque are reduced, leading to increased fuel combustion. Tuning chips improve the torque not only in older vehicles, but also maintain torque efficiency in new vehicles.

Maximised Horsepower – Heavily laden vehicles travel hundreds and thousands of miles, and require frequent maintenance such as changing the engine oil for better performance. However, the horsepower of your vehicle’s engine reduces with time and even regular maintenance cannot prevent this. Tuning chips can maximise the engine’s horsepower and reduce fuel combustion.

Smoother Gear Transmission – The stress of travelling through miles on heavily laden vehicles can be considerable, especially if your vehicle is not well-maintained. Changing the gears frequently can also become a hassle, and ultimately affects the overall performance of your vehicle. A tuning chip not only streamlines the mechanical and electrical processes of your car, but also makes gear transmissions smoother, helping you get rid of a lot of stress that comes with driving heavy vehicles.

Better Acceleration – Horsepower and torque work hand in hand to improve your vehicle’s acceleration and efficiency. A Tuning chip maximises the horsepower and torque of your vehicle and its overall outcome is increased acceleration.

Maximised Fuel Economy – Do you know that you can save up to 40% on fuel expense simply by installing a diesel tuning chip? There are various tools in the market that promise to boost the fuel-efficiency of your vehicle however, the only problem with all such tools is that they interfere with the mechanics of your vehicle. A diesel tuning chip is more reliable and boosts the vehicle’s fuel efficiency without altering its original electrical and mechanical systems. Simply put, it is a complete package for improving your car’s performance and fuel economy.

Controlled Throttle – Throttle controls the fuel required for combustion and air flow to increase the engine’s performance. It controls the performance of engine automatically, which means that when you press the accelerator to increase the speed of your vehicle, throttle automatically increases the fuel and air required in the engine for a combustion reaction. Tuning chips support throttle functions and control the fuel and air supplied to engine for improved performance. However, they do not entirely replace the throttle. This way, the efficiency and power of your vehicle improves without burning extra fuel.

The best feature about diesel tuning chips is that these are temporary installations. You can remove the chips whenever you need without changing the mechanics.

When it comes to heavily laden vehicles, the options are limited. Most owners of heavy vehicles have to choose between fuel economy or vehicle performance. However, a diesel tuning chip makes your vehicle fuel-economic while also improving its performance.

(CEO / Editor / Journalist) – Bruno is the owner and CEO of Motorward.com; he’s responsible for the entire team, editorial guidelines and publishing. Bruno has many years of experience in the auto industry, both managing automotive websites and contributing to the press.