OK, if we’re honest this whole autonomous thing had not hit us that hard before we saw this. The Automated Valet Parking developed by Mercedes and Bosch is a great showcase of what this technology is capable of, and what it’s capable of is bloody witchcraft!
So here’s what Automated Valet Parking does in a nutshell: you and your better half arrive in the car equipped with the system, most likely an S-Class, you get off at the entrance, touch something on your smartphone, and the car goes off by itself, finds a parking spot, parks itself, and when you’re done shopping it comes and picks you up. And it’s intelligent enough not to hit anything or anybody while doing all this, and can even up and down multiple levels multistory to find a spot. See? Witchcraft.
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Automated Valet Parking is demonstrated here at the Mercedes-Benz Museum where, from the beginning of 2018, visitors to the museum’s multi-storey car park will be able to experience the convenient service at first hand and avoid spending time parking their cars. Here’s a brief explanation of the system by Mercedes-Benz themselves:
Anyone can reserve a car using a smartphone app. The vehicle rolls into the pick-up area autonomously to start the journey. The return procedure is equally convenient: the customer parks the vehicle in the car park’s drop-off area and hands it back by smartphone app. After being registered by the intelligent system installed at the multi-storey car park, the car is started and guided to an assigned parking space. Driverless parking is made possible by an intelligent multi-storey car park infrastructure from Bosch in conjunction with the vehicle technology from Mercedes-Benz. Sensors installed in the car park monitor the driving corridor and its surroundings and steer the vehicle. The technology on board the car performs safe driving manoeuvres in response to the commands from the car park infrastructure and stops the vehicle in good time when necessary. The sensors for the multi-storey car park infrastructure and the communications technology come from Bosch. Daimler is providing the private museum car park and pilot vehicles, defining the interface between infrastructure and vehicle together with Bosch and adapting the sensor technology and software in the vehicles accordingly.