/Koenigsegg One:1 Celebrates UK Debut with Donuts

Koenigsegg One:1 Celebrates UK Debut with Donuts

koenigsegg agera one 1 goodwood donut 600x326 at Koenigsegg One:1 Celebrates UK Debut with Donuts

The Koenigsegg One:1 is definitely the manliest hyper car on the market right now. At the end of its run at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, where it made a successful UK debut, the car celebrated the event with some manly, smoky donuts, sprinkled with high-pitched revs.

The twin-turbo V8 engine in the rear-wheel-drive Koenigsegg One:1 makes so much power, it makes performing donuts in this car as easy as, well, eating a doughnut:

Video by Shmee150

Besides being a flamboyant and expensive hyper car of which only six units will be built, Koenigsegg One:1 is an engineering marvel as it is the only car in this class with a power to weight ratio of 1 to 1. That means for every kilogram of weight in this car there is one horsepower. And that, in plain English, means that it’s bloody quick!

Picture: Michelin UK

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.