/Video: Epic Meal Time Presents Gymkhana FOUR

Video: Epic Meal Time Presents Gymkhana FOUR

gymkhana epic meal time at Video: Epic Meal Time Presents Gymkhana FOUR

When you are promoting a big internet sensation, what better way than using another big internet sensation to do the job. That’s what the promoters of Gymkhana FOUR have done. They went to guys from Epic Meal Time to count the reasons why the FOUR is gonna be so awesome, in their own stupid but cool way. Good, but they could have asked Kate Upton. I mean she too gets millions of Youtube hits, doesn’t she! That said, it coulda been worse, they could have gone to Kimbo Slice!

Watch the vid after the jump.

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.