The headline sounds innocuous, but it’s got everyone in the motoring world thinking what Bugatti is planning for.
We know that the production of Veyron and Veyron Supersport is all pretty much finished. And as for the Grand Sport, they recently announced – while unveiling a new special edition for Qatar – that there’s 105 slots remaining for that car.
So what are they going to do with two years worth of Veyron transmissions they just ordered to Ricardo, the British firm that makes them?
Well, some of it will end up in those Grand Sports. But you can’t help but think they are plotting something new. It is probably the the Super Sport version of the Grand Sport. And let’s not forget that Bugatti is still pondering the possibility of producing the 16C Galibier super saloon.
Whatever it is coming next from Bugatti, it means they are doing well business-wise. And that’s kinda funny, because if we remember rightly, when the Veyron first came out parent company Volkswagen said making each car cost them something like 5 million euro, and selling them for 1.5 million euro they actually make a huge loss on each one.
They said there’s no financial purpose in making the Veyron and they just do it as a showcase of their brilliance. But that just can’t be true, because if it was, VW must have gone bankrupt by now!
The Veyron must have become profitable for the company, so they keep making different versions of it.