If you own an internet and it has a YouTube in it, you have almost certainly watched that new Volvo Trucks ad in which Jean-Claude Van Damme does a truly epic split between two moving trucks. It was an impressive effort. But it’s already been topped by no other than the star of Delta Force the movie and countless other Chuck Norris-style movies, Mr. Chuck Norris.
Chucky does the epic split between two flying jets, while eleven illuminated airborne commandos form a cheerleader-style pyramid on his head, or rather his cowboy hat, and do their best impression of a Christmas tree:
The only difference between this Chuck Norris epic split and Van Damme’s is that the French man did it for real, while Norris may have had a bit of help from some CGI gurus. Well, a lot of help in fact. All of it, to be honest, is CGI. That doesn’t take away anything from Chuck’s awesomeness, though. He is still the biggest ass, sorry, badass in Cinema.