Lamborghini drivers typically crave attention. That is why they buy Lamborghinis. The driver of this particular Lamborghini Huracan, however, is the complete opposite that. He does everything in his power, including calling for backup, to avoid being photographed.
Unlucky for him, the annoying spotter was Jason Thorgelson, a professional photographer who was determined not to let this opportunity slip away. He also has a sizable community following his works, which is why this thing went viral so quickly.
The Lamborghini Huracan driver was, almost certainly, a test driver out and about with a test mule. After failing in shaking Jason off by speeding off and changing routes, he calls for reinforcement, which arrives in form of an Audi A8, trying to block Jason’s car. Lamborghini is owned by Audi, and it is assumed the A8 is a company car manned by their goons.
The reason the Huracan tries so desperately to flee is either because the test car is not camo’d, or the driver has taken it out without permission.