Surprise, surprise, it’s another Top Gear controversy with Jeremy Clarkson in the center. This one’s a rather ambiguous one, as TG claims it was an unfortunate coincidence. Nevertheless, they were forced to cut their Argentinean trip short after they were attacked. Let us explain why.
The Top Gear trio, as usual, were in a foreign land with three used cars, traveling across the country while being funny. This time the foreign land in question was Argentina. So far so good.
Things went wrong when a couple of Argentinian news agencies notices the number plate on Jeremy’s Porsche 928 was H982FKL. That sounds innocent enough, but when you decipher it, it kind of refers to the Falkland (FLK) war which was the result of bitter dispute over the Falkland Islands between the UK and Argentina. And it happened in 1982!
Top Gear’s producer Andy Wilman has told the Guardian that the number plate was a coincidence and that they had nothing to do with it. Implausible? probably. But it sure wasn’t a good reason for the local mob to attack the TG crew with sticks and stones. According to the latest reports, the presenters had to abandon the cars and flee the country with the filming unfinished.
This incident reinforces the recent rumors about Jeremy Clarkson getting the final warning from BBC’s top brass; rumors that Jezza has vehemently denied. Still, there is only so much the BBC can do to protect Clarkson, and there is only so much they can overlook. Maybe it’s time Clarki dial it down a tad.
Via Independent and Diariotextual